Yearend High Combined

Ergebnisse 2023:

Yearend High Combined Prizes Stock 2023

Ergebnisse 2022:

Yearend High Combined Prizes Stock 2022

Ergebnisse 2021:

Yearend High Combined Prizes Stock 2021

Regeln für den Yearend HC:

WEWASC Yearend High Combined Prizes

In order to make the participation in WEWASC e.V. stockdog trials AND becoming a WEWASC e.V. member even more attractive, we will give out 3 additional prizes, from the trial year 2021 on:

„WEWASC High Combined Started Stockdog (Year)”

„WEWASC High Combined Open Stockdog (Year)”

„WEWASC High Combined Advanced Stockdog (Year)”


  • 5 qualifying scores from at least 2 different judges will be counted in each division (started, open and advanced) in the sheep/goats and ducks/geese class, 3 qualifying scores from at least 2 different judges will be counted in each division (started, open and advanced) in the cattle class; the 3 qualifying cattle scores will count 1,5 times; plus one qualifying score from any farm trial division. 
    That adds to a total of 14 qualifying scores that will be counted for the yearend calculation in each division.
  • If there is a tie, the following rule counts: the higher cattle score out of the 3 combined qualifying cattle scores (see above) will get the prize.
  • New: The prize will be calculated out of the qualifying scores earned within a calendar year in one division, started or open. The prize can be won in the same division only in 2 consecutive years. No time frame for the prize out of the advanced class.


  • Each winner will get a buckle
  • There will be an advertisement in the Aussie Times for the 3 winners 
    each year